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Xayrli kun
Barcha logistika bo'yicha mutaxassis bo'lishni xohlovchilarni taklif qilamiz (Recruiter)

Bir oylik intensiv trening va biz sizga qulay ofisimizda ishlashni kafolatlaymiz
P.S. Biz metrodan 5 daqiqa masofada joylashganmiz

Sizning to'lovingiz 100 dan 1000 dollargacha

- qulay ofisda ishlash;
- moslashuvchan ish jadvali;
- martaba o'sishi;
- o'z vaqtida to'lash;
- Amaliyot davomida daromad olishni boshlash imkoniyati

Tajriba shart emas
Hamma narsa o'rgatiladi va ta'minlanadi. Asosiysi - rivojlanish istagi va istagi

Professionallardan olgan qimmatli bilimingiz narxi 200$.

Good day
We invite everyone who wants to become a logistics specialist (Recruiter)

Just a month of intensive training and we guarantee you a job in our comfortable office.
P.S. We are located 5 minutes from the subway

Your pay from $100 to $1000

- Work in a comfortable office;
- Flexible work schedule;
- Career growth;
- Timely pay;
- Opportunity to start earning during practice

Experience is not necessary.
Everything will be taught and provided. The main thing is the desire and desire to develop

The price for the valuable knowledge you get from the professionals is $200.
ID: 47781907

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на OLX с апрель 2023 г.

Онлайн 24 апреля 2023 г.

xxx xxx xxx

Опубликовано 14 сентября 2024 г.

Logistika kursi / Logistic course



Бесплатное приложение для твоего телефона